Minute of Annual General Meeting of Maybole Over 50’s held on Thursday 2 May 2024 at 1pm in St Oswald’s Church Hall, Cargill Road, Maybole. 


S Mason welcomed members to this the 8th AGM of MOF’s. 


Senga gave her chairman’s report and thanked everyone who had helped groups run smoothly throughout the year; and at the Charity Shop; and the Craft Fairs etc. 


Reports were given on the various groups that continue to run throughout the year. Members were reminded that they can come along and visit any of these groups to see if this is something of interest to them. 


Treasurer’s report was given by Jackie Johnson and balance sheet for anyone who wished to view the finances of the club. Any member who would like copies of the balance sheets-emailed to them just ask.  


Election of Office bearers and committee

Chairperson – Mrs Senga Mason – proposed and seconded by M Dunabie and J Wilson 

Vice Chair – Mr C Johnson – proposed and seconded by S Mason and J Johnson 

Treasurer – Mrs J Johnson – unanimous 

Secretary – Mrs A Walker – proposed and seconded by K Gaffney and J Johnson. 

Current members – Susan Wilson, Martin Dunabie, Alison Holt and Maria Richards, with 2 vacancies still to be filled. 

– outgoing committee members – K Gaffney, S Anderson, K Hutchison, and S Fields. 


Outing to Peebles – there are still 2 seats available, the coach will leave Greenside at 9.15 am.  High tea will be at Royal Hotel, Cumnock. 


Membership fees are now due – it remains at £12 per person per year. 


Craft Fair – there will be a Craft Marquee at Bruce 750 on Saturday 13 July 2024 at the Glebe, Maybole; Stalls available; Ukulele group also playing at this event. 


September Outing – this was discussed, and destinations mentioned namely – Millport, Edinburgh, Callendar/ Stirling etc.  Costings to be done and email circulated to let members chose one destination. 


Christmas Panto (Glasgow) – is Peter Pan, tickets to be reserved for Tuesday 10 December at 1 pm will be £32 per ticket. 


Business concluded, sandwich lunch, teas and coffee were served.  After lunch the Ukulele group entertained with some well-known tunes that all could sing along to.   Thanks was given to the Ukulele group and to all who had made this such an enjoyable afternoon. 



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